Is NOW The Time To Tap Into Your Fullest Potential?


An 8-Week Online Bootcamp to Uncover, Unleash & Upgrade What it Means to Be You  



I'm gathering a small group of people who are ready to step up and serve at deeper levels, break free from what's been holding them back, reach their fullest potential and creating an extraordinary life.  

This is not just about doing some more transformation work on yourself where you learn some stuff and then forget about most of it by the end of the week. It's about rapidly reprogramming your subconscious for abundance in Health, Wealth & Love. 

If you want to unlock your limitless potential then you have to permanently shift what's been holding you back, and when you do, you empower yourself in ways you cannot even fathom. If this sounds like you, then click below for an application call... 


I AM ENOUGH is an 8 week mind, body and spirit upgrade training program using a 4-part "U.L.O.V.E" method that will retrain your brain and energy levels to live boldly, abundantly, and impactfully.  

We dive deep into activating your fullest potential by giving you the EXACT tools and strategies to get started NOW. Think of it like immersing yourself into 8 weeks of higher vibrational energy work that brings instant shifts in how you show up in the world. 

The foundation of the work we do in this program is a blend of some of the deepest spiritual, scientific and transformational work I've been priviliged to study and teach over the past 20+ years that's grounded in somatic wisdom and experiential learning.

The result is that not only do you get to breakfree from old identities that are holding you back but you also get to EMBODY higher levels of happiness, health, abundance and self-love that are truly aligned with your souls passion and purpose. 


Unlike more limited courses, this 8 week ACTIVATION bootcamp uses ground breaking processes and experiential virtual workshops to reveal the gifts and abundance that is already within you. It's far more than talking, reading or listening about living a fully aligned life it's about finally EMBODYING IT.

We create a space for you where you can feel free to explore deeper levels of who you are beyond what you already know, while feeling safe and supported during the process. We also push the boundaries of how we can work together online which results in breakthroughs being made during the sessions, as well as afterwards.  

I AM ENOUGH is also unlike anything else you may have done as it gives you the real life tools and strategies to dismantle your old programming along the way. In other words, what you uncover and discover about yourself during our time together is not just some information you will forget in a few days - you get to OWN it!

Most people are going through life just getting by. They get up, go to work, do their best to check things off their list towards their goals and then fall into bed exhausted. Year after year, life passes them by as they struggle to find true passion and purpose in life while something deep inside yearns for something more. 

 You can go through the motions of life believing you are doing all the right things and getting some results yet still feel empty inside. A part of you knows there's something more to life but you don't know what it is or take the chance to find out. I know first hand because that used to be me.

From fear of failure to fear of success, hitting a dead-end in your personal and professional life to distracting yourself with mindless substances or activities just to get by, or letting the voice in your head hold you back from moving forward... these things and many more like them are simply old energetic patterns that can be easily shifted.  

Whether you are just starting out on your path or you've been working on yourself for a while this will be perfect for you. It's designed to help you quit those limiting beliefs, stop beating yourself up, and learn how to manage stress, overwhelm, and anxiety so you change your life for GOOD!


  • Get Unblocked - clear the blocks that keep you from living in alignment with your deepest passions and purpose. Here's where you'll tap deeper into your inner genius and intuition so that your creativity flows abundantly through you and into all you do.
  • Overcome & Embrace Fear - one of our core beliefs is that we are not enough and by stepping towards our fears and showing ourselves that we are done playing small out of fear we get to rise up. This program enables you to master your fear so that you become unstoppable in life.
  • Raise Your Vibrations - learn specific breathwork tools and techniques to instantly get out of your head and experience expanded states of energy and aliveness. Learning how to vibe higher each day will allow you to make choices and decisions that serve your highest good and purpose. By using these tools you'll have more than enough energy and internal resources to power your dreams.
  • Release Anxiety and Stressful Living - it is possible for you to live without anxiety, have more calm, chill out and reclaim your ability to live in the present moment - all that's needed is to know how. In this program, you will be given the tools and guidance to become an emotional alchemist who can easily transmute negative thoughts and emotions to inner peace and empowerment. 
  • Embody an Abundance Mindset - discover how to call in MORE abundance in your life, go beyond any money stories keeping you stuck in lack, and allow greater wealth and abundance to flow into your personal and professional life.  
  • Make Happiness the Foundation of Your Life - true happiness is not a destination to be arrived at, it's a way of life. Discover the simple secrets to keeping your mind at peace and your body relaxed even when under pressure. I will show you how to fall in love with the journey that it takes to unleash your highest potential so that you may find peace in every step.
  • Accomplish More With Less Effort - passion alone is not enough to get what you want out of life because if it was, more people would be successful. My job is to help you develop specific power habits that support where you're headed in life so that once the passion dims your inner resolve and empowering habits takeover.  
  • You Get to be and do You - Once you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are enough exactly as you are and that nothing about you is wrong or needs to be changed that's when the magic and miracles start to happen. The way you think, talk, act and show-up will be deeply congruent with your mind, body and spirit. When this happens then you truly do become limitless. 
  • The 4 Pillars of Exceptional Health - This includes the latest in brain-hacks and bio-hacks for the body for health, fitness and longevity. This is where you'll dive into exactly what it takes to look and feel good about yourself at the same time.
  • Emotional Alchemy Secrets - Discover how to rapidly shift from reactive emotions to being proactive with them so that they GIVE you energy instead of draining or derailing you. When we shift from reactive living to proactive living life not only feels easier it is so much relaxing and enjoyable. 
  • Manifest With Ease - Most people try and manifest from a space of lack or desparation which makes it hard work to get the results you want. I'll be stepping you through my proven process of intentional and magnetic manifesting that helps you to embody what it is that you wish to call in.


  • 8 Live weekly group coaching sessions with me (which are recorded and can be downloaded)!
  • Simple tools and processes to support overcoming limiting beliefs and activate beliefs of excellence  
  • Powerful active meditation and ancient breathing technique sessions to help you increase your energy, awaken dormant potential and taking an inner journey to discover more about who you are and what you are here to bring to the world.
  • Access to meditation and breathwork audios to use at your own leisure to deepen your connection to your higher and more abundant self.  
  • Daily support and the ability to get all your questions answered!  
  • A private Facebook group with exclusive access to all course content and myself. This is where all your downloads will be as well as on-going coaching and accountability! 
  • Be part of a community of heart-centered and purpose-driven people all devoted to doing the INNER work to get the OUTER results.




After losing everything that mattered to me when I was in my mid 20's I started redefining my life from the inside-out. I knew I was looking for something more than what the world had to offer but I had no clue what that was. 

After attending a 4-week transformation event, I had my first spontaneous awakening experience. In that moment, my old limiting and self-sabotaging identities dissolved and was replaced by a sense of lightness and a deep connection to something far bigger than me. From there, my life instantly took on new meaning and purpose. 

 That's when I traded my cushy corporate career to travel the world as a spiritual nomad living in a variety of ashrams, spiritual communities and meditation centers. This then led to studying things such as deep tissue therapy (rolfing), counselling, coaching, public speaking, writing, yoga, martial arts, inner child work, co-dependency, inter-personal relationships and ulitmately becoming a conscious entrepreneur.  

Coming back to Australia, I found myself deeply entrenched in my practices. From there, I began to write about my experiences and felt inspired to put my first course together to teach others how to find the answers they sought in life from within themselves.

Fast forward to today and since following my spirit for over 20 years I have been able to blend both ancient wisdom with modern living to not only live an extraordinary life on my own terms but to also show thousands of others how to do the same.