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The Power of Presence to Heal & Uplift Your Life

By June 24, 2020 Meditation, Mind
The Power of Presence to Heal AND Uplift Your Life

The Power of Presence to Heal AND Uplift Your Life SQUAREEverything we need to be happy, whole and free in this world comes from within. 

We are the solution to everything we think is wrong about us or the world as in truth there is nothing wrong but what we perceive to be so. Just being present brings balance to our live which of itself is also a solution. 

Out of presence anything can blossom for there is nothing in the way to resist the flow and expansion of life. To be present we need but to harness the power of our mind so that it works for us rather than against us. 

We are the master of our mind and so we get to choose how we focus it. The mind is a mechanism and we are far more than the mind and body. That’s why the less complicated we make our lives the easier it is to become the solution to anything that may arise that is not in balance.

A simple way to retrain the mind to be your friend instead of your foe is to practice mindfulness. Just by being-here-now with your breath, body or surroundings your mind will become very powerful.

Try it right now if you like.

Step 1. Notice your breath as it comes in through your nose and how your chest or belly expands.

Step 2. Notice your breath moving out through your nose and how your chest or belly deflates.

Step 3. If your mind wanders just keep bringing it back to observing your breath coming in and out of your nostrils. 

That’s it, you’ve now been mindful for as many breaths as you choose.

Mindfulness really is that simple!